Systems Task Group
Misson Statement
The purpose of the Systems Task Group is to organize all technical aspects of the team by facilitating communication, collaboration, and organization. Additionally, the Systems Task Group enforces the usage of sound mathematical reasoning and scientific proof of ideas for robot development in all fields.
With the use of mathematical reasoning and scientific testing to prove ideas, all members of the Systems Task Group gain valuable experience in robot development practices that can be carried on into future jobs and careers. Using sound proof and calculations, the team is able to project the cost, size, weight, and power necessary for each mechanism before it is prototyped, tested, and formally built. This conserves resources, provides accurate and unbiased data for decision making, and cultivates sound designs and iterations of the robot.
Unlike the role of being a subgroup VP, the Systems Task Group is led by two co-directors for a myriad of reasons. The two co-directors are members of the Electromechanical and Software subgroups, thus covering all technical subgroups. Joint leadership provides knowledge across diverse areas of study, supplies multiple perspectives when it comes to decision-making, works to eliminate subgroup bias, and mitigates the chance of scheduling conflicts. The two co-directors work efficiently together and maintain leadership skills that complement one another.
Goals and Plans
The goal of the Systems Task Group, as previously stated, is to create a platform in which all mechanism proposals and ideas are analyzed, discussed, and agreed upon in a collaborative and organized manner to further improve the team’s success. The meetings will consist of the co-directors and at least one representative of each subgroup, so each subgroup’s requirements and needs can be either met or agreed upon. Design discussions could revolve around topics such as the drivebase, any mechanism pitches, and intersubgroup Off-Season projects.
The Systems Task Group seeks to connect the team’s two technical subgroups and expects to consist mainly of members from the Software and Electromechanical subgroups, although it doesn’t exclusively consist of these subgroups. This task group is open to any and all members or mentors of the team who are interested in learning about the technical aspects of the team. Along with the facilitation of communication on this team, the Systems Task Group will provide an outlet for students of different subgroups to learn skills that they would not necessarily learn in their respective role on the team. This allows students to dive deeper into these subject areas than they would otherwise be able to. By encouraging members to understand the principles of other subgroups and systems on the robot, integration of the students’ respective components come together more smoothly.